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June 6, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Leonard Anderson; Michael Scott; Matthew Kennedy; Robert Lowell; Nancy Rocheleau; Anthony Costello; Kenneth Strom

Staff Present: Pamela Harding

Others: Dan Hazen, NEED, Clea Blair Jr., George Kiritsy, S. Morrison, B. Prachniak, Mark Permarini, Jim Riordan, Stephen Mirick, Norm Soderberg, Joyce Soderberg, Cindy Engrall-Kenney, Jon Kenney

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

NOTICE OF INTENT Stoney Brook Estates - 290 Reservoir Street, CB Blair Development
The applicant presented revised plans and drainage calculations at the meeting and informed the Commission that the wetlands were re-delineated and flagged. The applicant presented the Commission with qualifications of three consultants for peer review.  A four Phase plan was submitted. One detention pond was altered because of the revised wetland locations, the other two ponds remained the same and a 25' no disturb area was maintained from the wetland line. Phase 1 will include the sewer pump station. A full grading plan must be provided which includes the limit of clearing. A site visit was scheduled for June 28 at 7:30 a.m. It was requested that the applicant stake all roadways and detention locations. The owner of the property granted permission for abutters to accompany the Commission on the site walk.

Neilson of Bailey Road asked that the ponds functioning be explains.

Brenda Pachniak 422 Bailey road requested copies of the plan. And asked how the ponds would be maintained. It was explained they would be maintained through a homeowner association. She also stated at the last meeting that she requested to be notified when the applicant was entering her property and they trespassed. The hearing was continued to July 18, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.

NOTICE OF INTENT AJ Lane 43 & 47 Winter Hill Road grading.
The applicant is proposed grading in the rear of 43 and 27. Assigned to Rob Lowell. The Commission asked why the applicant could not tie into the sewer trunk itself. The grading on the plan showed little change between existing and proposed, it was determined that the existing grade represented on the plan were inaccurate. R. Lowell will schedule a site visit with S. Morrison from EcoTech to review plans. The hearing was continued to July 18, 2007.

NOTICE OF INTENT 50 Stonehouse Road Camp Kinneywood Pavilion Construction
The applicant is proposing the construction of a pavilion at Camp Kinneywood. The area is currently utilized as lawn. The pavilion will be open air with a concrete bottom. The public hearing was closed. K. Strom made a motion to approve the plan with the standard order of conditions. N. Rocheleau seconded all were in favor.

For routine maintenance of the dam including removal of vegetation and repair of the concrete spillway and handles. R. Lowell made a motion that the project was located in a resource area but will not have a negative affect on resources and a full Notice of Intent would not be required, L. Anderson seconded the motion all were in favor.

The Committee requested a driveway on Manning Street just past Goodhiles be investigated, a Commission member witnessed heavy silt leaving the driveway into Manning Street and depositing in the river.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.